Harris Hoss Elected Chair-Elect for Houston Bar Association ADR Council
Harris Hoss PLLC is pleased to announce that Felicia Harris Hoss has been elected to serve as Chair-Elect for the Houston Bar Association’s ADR Council during the 2023-2024 Bar year.
The Houston Bar Association ADR Council provides education and makes information available to the 10,000-plus members of the Houston Bar Association on the benefits and opportunities available to lawyers and their clients through private dispute resolution options, like mediation and arbitration. In addition to monthly programming, each year, the Council hosts an annual CLE for its members and judiciary of surrounding courts.
Felicia Harris Hoss
is an attorney-mediator, arbitrator, and early dispute resolution (EDR) neutral, with more than 20 years of legal experience. Through the years, Felicia has helped parties resolve disputes both inside and outside of the courtroom in a wide range of industries involving a broad spectrum of claims. Felicia is available to assist parties and their counsel through online, hybrid, and in-person mediations, arbitrations, and EDR processes.