Harris Hoss Accepted to American Arbitration Association's National Registry of Arbitrators
Harris Hoss PLLC is pleased to announce that Felicia Harris Hoss has been accepted as a Panelist for the American Arbitration Association’s National Roster of Arbitrators and is active on the Commercial and Energy Panels.
The American Arbitration Association (AAA) is a not-for-profit provider of alternative dispute resolution services for individuals and organizations seeking to resolve conflicts in a private setting and out of the public eye of a courtroom.
The AAA’s Roster of Arbitrators comprises distinguished former judges and leaders in the legal and business communities with industry-specific knowledge and expertise. In addition to maintaining ongoing educational requirements in the art and science of arbitration, AAA arbitrators are also required to uphold stringent standards of ethics to the public and the parties they serve.
Headquartered in New York, the AAA has regional offices across the United States including one in Houston, Texas. To learn more about the American Arbitration Association, visit: adr.org.
Felicia Harris Hoss
is an attorney-mediator, arbitrator, and early dispute resolution (EDR) neutral, with more than 20 years of legal experience. Through the years, Felicia has helped parties resolve disputes both inside and outside of the courtroom in a wide range of industries involving a broad spectrum of claims. Felicia is available to assist parties and their counsel through online, hybrid, and in-person mediations, arbitrations, and EDR processes.